Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Isn't that $1270? What $300?

If you have have been following closely, the Bailing Out amount is $1270.
Some have asked, why $300 and my Road Trip to be a Professional Gambler?

Well, rememberd I had 1 month prior to my documentation over here?

Let the Story begin here.

Long long time ago, someone gave me a Pinky Piggy. I started to stuff it with $1 Dollar Gold Coins. Then Casino starts and I made him spew out its content:

Haha, and after some counting:

A total of $309. I spent the $9 having some snacks and starts with the $300.

And in the 1st month, with some luck, it grew to the $1270 needed for the System.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

14 March 2010 - Evening

Enters around 6pm.

My favorite Money Wheel at the Orchid Room (For Singaporeans and PRs Only) is not available.
Only the table at the International Smoking Area is available.

The table is so cramp! People are generally more "Complex there".

Had a bad time as I didn't follow the system and start bets at $30.

The table has a streak of lose! Gosh! Up my bets to $240 for 4 consecutive lost before I managed to win the $30 back.

LESSON: Stick to the SYSTEM!!

I do not think I would want to visit this table again.

Was not feeling that good already. Left early at 8pm.

Start: $330
Levy: $0 (Within 24 Hours)
WIN: $110
End: $440

Message: Do not indulge in Gambling. Set your limits and stick by it!

14 March 2010 - Morning

Morning means 01:00 HRS. Haha.

Boring trip. Table closes at 3am. Didn't have quality time.

Start: $300
Levy: -$100
WIN: $130
End: $330

The System

The following is the system which I will learn to stick to. I think it needs some perseverance and training which I will learn to acquire in these 2 years.

Basically, I will bet on games with very close to 50/50 probability.
The closest will be Baccarat. But Baccarat table has a minimum of $100 dollars bet. Thus not suitable.

Those available with smaller minimum bets will be either Tai Sai or Money Wheel.

Basically, I will be betting $10 per bet. Doubling the amount whenever I lose the bet.
In the event that I lose for the next 7 games:
1 - $10
2 - $20
3 - $40
4 - $80
5 - $160
6 - $320
7 - $640

I would have lose a total of $1270. This is what I call the Bailing out Point. This is also the amount of money that I MUST HAVE READY ACCESS TO.

If I happen to win anywhere along these 7 bets, I win $10.

Now, the probability of losing 7 consecutive bets is: 0.78125%
Seemed.... quite probable in LOSING right?

How about losing 10 consecutive bets? 0.09766%
Seemed worthy of a little risk?

Now, how to have the same Bailing Out point with the same probability?


When a bet has already been losing for 3 times, I will start to bet the other side from the 4th bets onwards. Now, If I lose my 7 bets, that odds would have already been losing 10 times. Get that?

The target is to win around $50 per hour, $250 per week, $1,000 per month.

This should bring the 1 year earnings to around $12,000.

Remember about the Minimum sum to prepare? Thus at the end of year one, I should be able to raise the bets to $100 per bet.

Thus Year 2 target will be $10,000 per month, $120,000 for the year.

If the system works for these 24 crucial months, I can consider turning full-time by Year 3 where per bets are $1,000.

At least, this system has been successful for me for one month since the opening of the Casino. I shall document my journey from today on.

Wish me luck!


Singapore has started its Casino(s) project and this year, 2 Casinos will start to operate on this small island.

In February we have seen the start of Resort World Sentosa (RWS) operated by The Genting Group.

This is where I begin my journey.

For Singaporeans, the government is going to raise a levy of $100 for every 24 hours they spent in the casino. That can means losing right when you step foot into the casino. But this by itself can be a good deterrent factor to keep out the super casual gamblers. Till now, the casino is still very much packed no matter what time of the day you are in.

As for me, I start my journey with $300 and following a system of my own, hopes to turn "Professional" in 2 years time. I welcome you to join me in my journey. There are much to learn and explore!